- 2023 AASVF Recruit Student Judge / 2023 AASVF 学生评委招聘
- 2023 Above Asia Students' Venture Forum (AASVF) Recruit Student Judge Recruitment Period: February 14th, 2023 ~ March 10th, 2023 (5:00 pm) Apply: Submission of application form and certificate of enrollment via e-mail (asvf123@naver.com) * Application form can be found and downloaded on the link (CLICK HERE) Benefits: KRW 100,000 for each participant is to be paid as screening benefit Inquiry & Contact: asvf123@naver.com 2023国际大学生创业交流展学生评委招聘 招聘期间 :2023年2月14日 ~ 2023年3月10日 (下午5点) 申请方式: 通过过电邮(asvf123@naver.com)递交申请表格及在读证明 * 申请表格可于以下链接找到及下载 (请按此处) 优惠:每位参与者可以获得10万韩元(甄别津贴) 咨询及联系:asvf123@naver.com / 02-360-4526
- Yonsei GOSC 2023.02.21
- 2023 K-Influencer Academy / 2023 K-网红学院
- [JOIN 2023 K-INFLUENCER ACADEMY] Want to be the next influencer for Korea? You are the protagonist of the next YouTube creator generation to be conveying Korean culture! Welcome to the 2023 K-influencer Academy, a YouTube training program for Korea lovers. Who If you love Korea and want to be a YouTube creator, regardless of your nationality, language, or location, you are welcome to apply! How Please fill out the form below by entering your information in each section. link: https://forms.gle/5S3KPpamhDNPb6Zj9 Program Benefits - Most outstanding creator : Invitation to Korea - Opportunities to be on TV and YouTube content - Participation in online and offline festivals - YouTube channel consulting and promotional marketing - Access to filming equipments and studio - Funding for content production Various benefits that support your development as a creator are waiting for you. (The benefits of the program may vary depending on your level of participation and the situation.) Application Period February 17(Fri) 12PM ~ March 9(Thu) 11:59PM, 2023 (KST) QnA K-influencer Academy Office (kinfluencer2023@gmail.com) Curious about the activities of the K-influencer? - K-influencer YouTube Channel : https://www.youtube.com/@Kinfluencer - Korea.net YouTube Channel : https://www.youtube.com/@GatewayToKorea Presented by KOCIS (www.korea.net) [参加K-网红学院] 想在韩国当下一个网红吗? 欢迎来到以韩国爱好者为对象的YouTube研修项目《2023 K-网红学院》 对象:如果你热爱韩国,想成为Youtube创作者的话,无论你的国籍、语言、所在地如何,都欢迎申请! 方式:填写下面表格输入个人信息 链接: https://forms.gle/5S3KPpamhDNPb6Zj9 活动效益: - 最杰出创作人可以获得来韩国的机会 - 上电视和YouTube节目的机会 - 参与线上及线下艺术节 - YouTube频道咨询和推广营销 - 使用摄影设备和摄影棚 - 可获得用于节目创造的资金 帮助你成为创作者的各种利益正在等着你。(根据参与程度和情况,该项目的利益可能有所不同。) 申请期间:2023年2月17日(周五)上午12点 ~ 3月9日(周四)晚上11:59 咨询:K-网红学院办公室 (kinfluencer2023@gmail.com) 对K-网红的活动感兴趣的话,请参考: K-网红的Youtube频道:https://www.youtube.com/@Kinfluencer Korea.net的Youtube频道: https://www.youtube.com/@GatewayToKorea
- Yonsei GOSC 2023.02.21
- [Recruit] Dongwon Industry Int'l Sales
- Dongwon Industries Employs Foreign Students to Conduct International Fisheries Work [Experience] -New or 1-3 years of experience -Employment Type: Contract position (1year), mutual consultation, and extension possible depending on the company's situation -Working Area: Seoul -Housing: Provided only to residents outside the metropolitan area [Desired] -New or 1-3 years of experience -College graduates or higher (those who can travel abroad) -Related Majors: economy/management, marine fishery, language -Required Language: English proficiency level is required (reading, writing, listening, speaking all at the upper level) [Job Position] -Responsible for sustainability, export, overseas loading and unloading observation, response to coastal countries -Fish Sales, Sales Management, NGO Communication, Fishing Vessel Operation Support, etc. [Preferred Qualifications] -Nationality: All (Thailand, Vietnam, Phillippines and Indonesians preferred for business) -Visitor: New recruits can sponsor visas after completion of the training. Experience is working visa holder [How to Apply] -Deadline: February 28th (Tuesday) until 18:00 -Application: Must apply online after signing up Recruitment Site (dongwon.com) [Inquiries] recruit_g@dongwon.com Visit their website : DONGWON INDUSTRIES (dwml.co.kr)
- Yonsei GOSC 2023.02.15
- Official Donation Information for Those Affected by the Türkiye Earthquake
- Official Donation Information for Those Affected by the Türkiye Earthquake Account Name: Embassy of the Republic of Turkey AFAD earthquake relief Bank: Hana Bank (하나은행) Bank Account Number: 920-910004-89105 If you would like to donate supplies, you can find the items needed at the link below. https://www.instagram.com/p/CoWozX6Snie/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link For further questions, please contact the Office and Embassy Embassy of the Republic of Türkiye Tel: +82 2 2272 1382 Twitter: @EgitimSeul Instagram: @seul_egitim Facebook: SeulEgitim Web: seul.meb.gov.tr
- Yonsei GOSC 2023.02.15
- [Spring 2023] Guidance for Student ID Card Issuance / [2023年春季] 学生证申请指南
- Guidance for Student ID Card Issuance -Eligibility Newly enrolled students for 2023 Spring Semester who consent to a personal information collection, utilization, and processing entrustment to a trustee. -Application Period February 23 (Thursday), 2023 ~ February 28 (Tuesday), 2023 from 10 am ~ 11:59 pm For further information, please check the Yonsei University Notice Page. 学生证申请指南 -申请对象:同意收集、利用、处理委托人个人信息的2023学年度春季学期新生。 -申请期间:2023年2月23日(周四)~ 2023年2月28日(周二)上午10点~晚上11点 详细内容请参考学校网站公告。
- Yonsei GOSC 2023.02.14
Visa & Immigration
- [2023-1] Alien Registration Card (ARC) Group Registration (Online) Information / 外国人登陆证线上团体办理通知
- 2023-1 Yonsei University Alien Registration Card (ARC) Group Registration (Online) Information The Office of International Affairs will conduct an online group application for a better and easier issuance of ARC for the students. Those who need to apply, must do so within the applicable period. Students who have applied or plan to apply themselves, don’t need to apply through the group application. 1. Application period information 1) Applying for new ARC: March 2nd (Thu) ~ March 13th (Mon) *You MUST be in Korea in order to apply 2) Extension of period of stay: March 2nd (Thu) ~ March 17th (Fri) 2. Information on expenses for each visa type of application Type Eligibility Visa Type Fee 1 Students who entered the country with a D-2 Visa from a foreign country. Issuance of new ARC 41,000 won 2 Students who need an extension due to the expiry of their Student visa (D-2) Extension of period of stay 71,000 won * Additional charges may occur due to exchange rates and fees * F-4 visa holders must apply on their own 3. Application link: https://www.hirevisa.com/yonsei - Application documents and procedures can be found at the link above. < Notice > 1. All application procedures will be notified by e-mail. Please be sure to provide a valid email address and double check when applying. * QQ mail is difficult to receive, so please input a different mail 2. For all inquiries related to visa, please contact us through the Hirevisa application link page. (Consultation available in Korean, Chinese, English, and Japanese) 3. Q&A: Click: https://hirevisa.channel.io/ 2023年-1延世大学外国人登陆证线上团体办理通知 大家好,这里是延世大学国际处。 国际处为了帮助大家顺利办理外国人登陆证以及其他滞留延长办理,将会进行线上团体办理申请,需要的同学请熟知下方申请日期以及注意事项,在相应的期间按时完成申请,自己个别进行的同学则无需申请。 1. 申请期间指南 1) 外国人登陆证新办理申请:3月2日(周四)~3月13日(周一) *只有在这个期间内入境了韩国的学生才可以申请。 2) 滞留期间延长办理申请:3月2日(周四)~3月17日(周五) 2. 各类型滞留业务费用指南 区分 对象 业务类型 金额 1 海外取得学生签证(D-2)后入境的学生新办理外国人登陆证 外国人登陆证新办理 41,000 韩元 2 由于学生签证(D-2)到期而需要延期的学生 滞留期间延长 71,000 韩元 *因汇率及手续费可能会发生追加费用 *F-4签证持有者无法进行申请,必须本人亲自前往出入境事务所进行办理 3. 申请链接: https://www.hirevisa.com/yonsei (中文) - 申请材料说明以及步骤请参考上方链接 < 注意事项 > 1. 所有申请的相关步骤:将通过电子邮件通知。为方便受理申请,请在申请时,填写可使用的邮箱地址。 * QQ邮件接收可能有困难,请尽量不要填写 2. 关于签证的所有咨询, 请通过上方Hirevisa申请链接页面里的咨询方式与我们联系。 (韩语、中文、英语均可) 3. Q&A: https://hirevisa.channel.io/
- Yonsei GOSC 2023.02.10
- 2023 GKS 외국인 우수 자비 장학생 모집 안내 / 2023 GKS Foreign Excellent Self-Scholarship Recruitment Announcement
- 2023년 GKS 외국인 우수 자비 장학생 모집 안내 국립국제교육원에서 2023년 GKS 외국인 우수 자비 장학생을 모집하오니 관심 있는 외국인 학생은 아래 내용을 참고하여 지원하시지 바랍니다. 가. 대상: 학부 재학중으로 지원 당시 2학기 이상 우수한 외국인 자비유학생 중 2023학년도 1학기 및 2학기에 한국에 체류할 수 있는자 (장학슴 수혜기간 2023년 3월~12월까지는 한국에 체류하고 있어야 함) * 장학금 수령 기간내 매월 출입국증명 [한국에 체류 중임을 증명] 제출 의무 있음 * 정부초청장학생, 자국벙부장학생 및 기존 2회 우수자비 장학금 수혜자 지원불가 * 자세한 지원자격은 [붙임 1] 참고. 나. 장학금 지원내용: 연 500만원 (월50만원) 다. 장학금 수혜기간: 2023. 3. ~ 2023. 12. (10개월) 라. 지원자격 및 제출서류: [붙임1] 확인 마. 지원 방법 및 절차: 지원신청은 반드시 재학중인 대학교를 통해 신청. 대학별 20명까지만 추천 가능. 최종 선발은 국립국제교육원에서 함. 바. 유의사항: 제출서류 미비 혹은 기한 내 지원을 하지 않는 경우, 추천자에서 제외됨 사. 문의처: 서류 제출 관련 (국제팀: istudent@yonsei.ac.kr / 02-2123-3488) 온라인지원 시스템문의 (한국유학종합시스템 운영실, 02-3668-1441) 2023 GKS Foreign Excellent Self-Scholarship Recruitment Announcement The National Institute for International Education of the Ministry of Education is recruiting excellent foreign students for the 2023 GKS scholarship -Scholarship Period: March 2023 ~ December 2023 -Submission of Documents: Must submit through university -Online Application: Feb. 6 (Mon) ~ Feb. 24 (Fri), 2023 by 18:00 -Document Submission: Feb. 6 (Mon) ~ Feb. 27 (Mon), 2023 by 12:00 For detailed information regarding eligibility, process, deadline, etc, please refer to the attached file. Contact Information -Document Submission: istudent@yonsei.ac.kr / 02-2123-3488 -Online Application System: 02-3668-1441
- Yonsei GOSC 2023.02.08
- APRU Undergraduate Leaders’ Program 2023: Invitation for Nominations / APRU 2023年大学生领导计划: 邀请提名
- APRU Undergraduate Leaders’ Program 2023: Invitation for Nominations Leadership for Sustainable Cities Development at The Chinese University of Hong Kong June 25th ~ July 6, 2023 -Application Deadline: March 15th, 2023 -Website: https://cuhk.hk/apruulp2023 (more information) -Inquiries: Ms. Olivia Kwok, Office of Academic Links (apruulp2023@cuhk.edu.hk) APRU 2023年大学生领导计划: 邀请提名 香港中文大学进行的可持续城市发展的领导活动 2023年6月25日 ~ 2023年7月6日 -申请截止日期:2023年3月15日 -网站:https://cuhk.hk/apruulp2023 (详细内容) -询问:Ms. Olivia Kwok, Office of Academic Links (apruulp2023@cuhk.edu.hk)
- Yonsei GOSC 2023.02.07
- Notice for August 2023 Graduation Application / 2023年8月毕业申请
- Notice for August 2023 Graduation Application - Application Period: February 13 (Mon) - 28 (Tue), 2023 * Please note that the graduation application system will not be available for one day on February 15th (Wed) to check the course enrollment results. - Visit the Yonsei Portal System (http://portal.yonsei.ac.kr) - Student Record - Graduation/Advancement - Graduation Application Contact for more information - College of Liberal Arts / College of Commerce & Economics / College of Business / College of Theology / College of Social Sciences / College of Music / College of Human Ecology / College of Education Sciences / College of Pharmacy : 82-2-2123-2091 - College of Science / College of Life Science and Biotechnology : 82-2-2123-2095 - College of Engineering / UIC / GLC : 82-2-2123-2087 For detailed information, please check the Yonsei University Website. 关于2023年8月毕业申请 - 申请期间:2023年2月13日(周一)至2月28日(周二) * 请注意,由于确认选课结果,在2月15日(周三)无法利用毕业申请系统。 - 访问延世大学信息门户 (http://portal.yonsei.ac.kr) -> 学籍 -> 毕业 -> 毕业申请 - 详细内容请联系有关大学办公室 - 详细内容请参考延世大学网站公告
- Yonsei GOSC 2023.02.06
- [Spring 2023] Plans & Course Enrollment Instructions / 【2023年 春季】课程登录指南
- Spring 2023 Plans & Course Enrollment Instructions Schedule and instruction for Spring 2023 plan and course enrollment has been posted on the Yonsei University Website Notice page. Please visit the website for detailed instructions to plan accordingly. YONSEI UNIVERSITY WEBSITE NOTICE 2023年 春季学期 课程登录指南 延世大学网站公告栏上登载了2023年春季学期课程登录的日程和指南。 详细计划事项等内容请参考学校网站。 延世大学网站公告
- Yonsei GOSC 2023.02.06