- K-Campus Real-Life Review Contest
- K-Campus Real-Life Review Contest K-Campus Team would like to hear your story. If intesterested, apply to kjd.kcampus@gmail.com
- Yonsei GOSC 2022.10.14
- 2022 Fall Semester Course Survey by Students / 2022-2学期学部生课程评价
- 2022 Fall Semester Course Survey by Students All Yonsei students are required to participate in the course survey of all registered courses in the 2022 Fall semester. Students must complete the survey before they are given access to their course grades. Students who do not complete the survey for each of their courses during the course survey period will not be able to check their course grades. Course Survey Period 1st(Mid Term) 2nd (Final) Course Survey Period 2022. 10. 20.(Thu.) ~ 11. 2.(Wed.) 2022. 12. 22.(Thu.) ~ 2023. 1. 4.(Wed.) Criteria Period 2022. 10. 20.(Thu.) ~ 10. 26(Wed.) Mid-Term Period 2022. 12. 29.(Thu.) ~ 2023. 1. 4.(Wed) View & Appeal for Final Grade ※ Students can view their final grades only if they have completed the final course survey without missing out on any of the survey questions. For further information, please check the notice at the Yonsei website. 2022-2学期学部生课程评价 所有延世大学的学部生都必须参加2022-2学期的课程评价。学生只有在完成课程评价后,才能查询课程成绩。未在期间内完成课程评价的学生,将无法查询该学期内所选课程的成绩。 课程评价期间 第1回(中期) 第2回 (最终) 评价期间 2022. 10. 20.(星期四) ~ 11. 2.(星期三) 2022. 12. 22.(星期四) ~ 2023. 1. 4.(星期三) 备注 2022. 10. 20.(星期四) ~ 10. 26.(星期三) 期中考试 2022. 12. 29.(星期四) ~ 2023. 1. 4.(星期三) 成绩确认及变更期间 ※学生只有在完成课程评价后,才能查询课程成绩。未在期间内完成课程评价的学生,将无法查询该学期内所选课程的成绩。 详情请跳转至延世大学官方网站公告栏。
- Yonsei GOSC 2022.10.12
Programs & Events
- [Fall 2022] Career Development Program for Full-Degree Undergraduate International Students
- [Global One-Stop Service Center] Career Development Program for Full-Degree International Students at Yonsei University. GOSC has prepared a career program for international students at Yonsei University! Through this program, you can acquire strategy for employment in Korea, take Holland Job Aptitude Test, learn to write resumes and cover letters used at companies in Korea, learn usage of Hangul program (HWP), practice for job interview and many more! There are limited seats for each session so don’t hesitate and register! - Registration Date: October 12th ~ 26th - Eligibility: Enrolled Full Degree Undergraduate International Student at Yonsei University - Program Date: Session 1: November 2nd, 2022 (Wednesday) 17:00 ~ 21:00 Online via Zoom Session 2: November 9th, 2022 (Wednesday) 17:00 ~ 21:00 Offline (Sinchon Campus) Session 3: November 16th, 2022 (Wednesday) 17:00 ~ 21:00 Offline (Sinchon Campus) *Each session is LIMITED to 30 students - Registration Method: Google Survey or scan the QR Code For more detailed information on the contents of program, please refer to the poster attached in this notice.
- Yonsei GOSC 2022.10.12
- S/U Evaluation according to Student Selection for 2022 Fall Semester / 2022学年第2学期S/U评分办法申请
- S/U Evaluation according to Student Selection for 2022 Fall Semester 1. Application Period: 2022. 11. 1. (Tue) 9:00 - 11. 3. (Thu) 17:00 2. Application Method: Yonsei Portal Services > Academic Information System > Academic Management System > S/U evaluation > Apply for S/U evaluation 3. Eligibility: Undergraduate students with their first major declared (excluding students from the College of Medicine/Dentistry) For further information, please check the notice at the Yonsei website. 2022学年第2学期S/U评分办法申请 1. 申请时间: 2022. 11. 1. (星期二) 9:00 - 11. 3. (星期四) 17:00 2. 申请方法: 登录信息门户>学生系统>课程>S/U评价制度>申请 3. 申请资格: 第1专业被承认的学部生(医学院/口腔学院学生除外) 详情请跳转至延世大学官方网站公告栏。
- Yonsei GOSC 2022.10.12
Programs & Events
- [Fall 2022] Korean History Trip for Free / 韩国免费历史观光活动
- 韩国免费历史观光活动 观光行程: 首尔-庆州-釜山 活动时间:11月11日(星期五)~13日(星期日) 活动对象: 韩语水平3级以上的国际学生或交换学生 报名方式: 扫海报中的二维码填写报名表 费用:免费
- Yonsei GOSC 2022.10.12
- [Fall 2022] Spring 2023 Application Guide on Changing Affiliations on Campus / 2023学年第1学期转专业申请
- Application Guide on Changing Affiliations on Campus for Spring 2023 Semester Schedule and How to Apply 1) Period: October 27, 2022 (Thu) - November 2 (Wed), 17:00 2) Method: Yonsei Portal Service (http://portal.yonsei.ac.kr) - Academic Management - Major - Changing Affiliation on Campus - Select the major you want to apply for, fill out the reason for the change of affiliation and academic plans, then click the Apply button 3) Announcement for 1st Examination (Interview target announcement): November 8 (Tue) 10:00 4) Announcement for Interview Schedule: November 15 (Tue) 5) Final Announcement: November 29 (Tue) For further information, please check the notice at the Yonsei website. 2023学年第1学期转专业申请 申请时间以及具体步骤 1) 申请期间:2022年10月27日(星期四)~ 11月2日(星期三)下午5点 2)申请方法: 登录延世大学信息门户进行申请 3)第1轮书面审查结果公布时间:2022年11月8日(星期二) 上午10点 4)第2轮面试时间: 2022年11月15日(星期二) 5) 最终结果公布时间: 2022年11月29日(星期二) 详情请跳转至延世大学官网公告栏。
- Yonsei GOSC 2022.10.11
- [Fall 2022] 서울시립미술관 대화형 도슨트 프로그램 아시아계 외국인 참가자 모집
- 서울시립미술관 대화형 도슨트 프로그램 아시아계 외국인 참가자 모집 서울시립미술관 <춤추는 낱말> 전기와 연계한 특별 도슨트 프로그램에 국내 거주중인 아시아인 학생을 초대합니다. - 프로그램: '네 노래를 들려줘(songs of Asia)' - 모집: 국내 거주하는 아시아인 (대)학생 (회당 10명) * 한국어 초급 수준으로 대화가 가능한 자 - 일시: 10/12(수)14:00 ~ 15:00 10/19(수)14:00 ~ 15:00 - 장소: 서울시립미술관 2층 <춤추는 낱말> 전시실 입구 - 모집기간: 9/29(목)10:00 ~ 10/17(월)18:00 - 신청방법: 온라인 신청서 제출 (첨부파일 Q-code), 선착순 모집 - 문의: 서울시립미술관 교육홍보과 02-2124-8945, 8948
- Yonsei GOSC 2022.10.11
- [Fall 2022] 국립국제교육원 외국인 유학생 상담센터 스페인어 상담 보조원 채용 공고
- 국립국제교육원 외국인 유학생 상담센터에서 스페인어 상담 보조원을 다음과 같이 공개 채용합니다. - 채용분야: 다국어 상담 보조원(스페인어) - 채용인원: 1명 - 계약기간: 2022.11. ~ 2022.12. - 접수 방법 : 이메일(niiedcounselling@korea.kr) 접수 - 서류 접수 기간 : 10.16.(일)까지 ※ 자세한 사항은 첨부파일을 참고하시기 바랍니다.
- Yonsei GOSC 2022.10.11
Programs & Events
- [Promotion] K-Concert in Seoul for FREE
- Hana Tour ITC invites international students to The K-Concert in Seoul for Free (October 7th 19:00 ~ 21:30) Line up: #NCTdream #MonstaX #IVE #STAYC #Weekly #XG #Blanky and more! - Availability: 200 seats (First-come, First-serve basis) - Where: Jamsil Olympic Stadium - How to apply: Email your Name/Nationality/Gender/Date of Birth/Email Address/Contact Number to pavement@hanatour.com * You must let them know you are a student at Yonsei University - Please come to the ticket booth by 6:30. - Contact: pavement@hanatour.com Tickets can be received on site at the location.
- Yonsei GOSC 2022.10.05
- [Fall 2022] Course Withdrawal Period / 撤回选课期间
- 2022 Fall Semester Course Withdrawal Period Date: October 27th (Thursday) ~ October 31st (Monday), 2022 [Course Final Withdrawal Period: October 27th(Thur) 9:00AM ~ 31st(Mon) 11:59PM] Go to Yonsei Portal Services (http://portal.yonsei.ac.kr/) ⇒ Click "English" ⇒ Academic Information System ⇒ Academic Management System (Degree Programs) ⇒ Course ⇒ Course Enrollment ⇒ Apply for Withdrawal ⇒ Select the class you are going to withdraw from and confirm - No further changes can be made to your course list after the final withdrawal period. The course withdrawal period is your last chance to drop from your course. - When a student withdraws from a course, he/she cannot add a new course for that vacant spot. - The minimum course load of nine (9) credits must be maintained even after a course withdrawal has been made for the student to remain enrolled in our SAY program(Exchange, Visiting Students). - Withdrawn courses will not appear on the transcript. Original Announcement can be found at (click ->) Notice (SAY) (yonsei.ac.kr) Exchange & Visiting Students' Academic Calendar (click ->)Academic Calendar (yonsei.ac.kr) Full-degree International Students' Academic Calendar (click ->) 학사지원 | 학사일정 목록 | 연세대학교 (yonsei.ac.kr) 2022年第2学期撤回选课期间 申请时间:2022年10月27日(星期四)~10月31日(星期一) - 撤回选课期间为本学期最后一次变更课表的机会,撤回选课期间结束后,将无法变更本学期课表。 - 撤回选课后,学生不得另行选择其他课程。 - 交换·访问学生应当在保证本学期能够修满9学分的前提下撤回选课。 - 撤回选课后该门课程将不会出现在学生的成绩单中。 交换·访问学生请跳转至国际处官网的校历栏查看具体日程。 全日制学生请跳转至延世大学官网的校历查看具体日程。
- Yonsei GOSC 2022.10.04