- [Fall 2022] Job Fair for Int'l Students / 外国人留学生就业博览会
- Job Fair for Int'l Students 2022 Time & Date: 10:00~17:00, Friday, Oct. 21, 2022 ~ Saturday, Oct. 22, 2022 Venue: COEX 3F Hall C1, Samseong-dong, Seoul Pre-online registration is required by September 30, 2022. Please check the website for more detail.https://jobfair.contactkorea.go.kr/ 2022外国人留学生就业博览会 展览会时间:2022.10.22~10.23 场所:首尔特别市三成洞 COEX 3F Hall C1 提前申请面试方法: 通过官网申请,加入会员-填写简历-确认各个企业招聘信息后可以申请参加面试-确认面试申请结果及日期-参加展览会以及面试,提前申请时间为2022.9.30起。 更多信息请跳转至jobfair官方网站。https://jobfair.contactkorea.go.kr/
- Yonsei GOSC 2022.09.05
Visa & Immigration
- [Fall 2022] KISF visa agency service / 出入境民愿代理服务
- Yonsei OIA will be operating KISF visa agency service (group application) to assist international students for 2022-2nd semester. We hope that you will find this of interest. ※ Students under quarantine or having symptoms of COVID-19 CANNOT visit the campus whatsoever (application by another person is acceptable). ※ It is mandatory for students to wear a mask when visiting the campus. 1. Working Hours and Services Provided Campus Service Provided Working Hours Venue User Sinchon and Songdo Alien Registration September 5th(Mon) ~ September 7th(Wed) 9:30 ~ 16:30 (12:00 ~ 13:00 Lunch Time) Global Lounge at Baekyangnuri (Offline) Undergraduate, Graduate, Exchange/Visiting ARC Extension September 22nd(Thu) 9:30 ~ 16:30 (12:00 ~ 13:00 Lunch Time) 2. Alien Registration (takes more than 6 weeks to complete) A. Refer to the Attachments 1~5 for guideline and required documents. B. Expected dates of fingerprint registration and card distribution: further notice will be sent via email from Yonsei OIA once decided. C. International students CANNOT leave Korea until they have received their Alien Registration Card. Otherwise, they will have to re-apply for D-2 visa from the very beginning when they come back. D. Students living in Songdo should apply for an Alien Registration Card individually by visiting Incheon Immigration Office. However, if they would like to apply as a group through KISF visa agency service, they must visit Sinchon Campus to apply and register their fingerprints (Expected dates of fingerprint registration is in October). E. Students must apply individually by visiting the Immigration Office if they cannot visit the Sinchon campus to apply as a group during our service period. ※ It is mandatory for all International students to apply for an Alien Registration Card within 90 days from their arrival date. If students stay for more than 90 days without Alien Registration, a fine (min 200,000 won to max 10 million won) may be imposed according to the Immigration Policy. 3. ARC Extension (takes more than 4 weeks to complete) A. Refer to Attached 5 for guideline and required documents. B. Please check your “Duration of Stay” by visiting www.hikorea.go.kr. 国际处为了方便外国学生,计划在2022-2学期继续实行出入境民愿代理(团体受理)服务。 具体内容如下。 ※居家隔离中的学生及疑似新冠肺炎症状者绝对不允许访问学校。(但可以代理受理)。 ※访问学校时须戴好口罩。 1. 服务日程 校区 提供的服务 受理日程 场所 对象 新村校区以及国际校区 外国人登录 2022.9.5(周一)~9.7(周三) 9:30~16:30 (午休时间:12:00~13:00) 백양누리 글로벌라운지 (现场受理) 本科生、大学院生、交换·访问学生 延长滞留期间 2022.9.22(周四) 9:30~16:30 (午休时间:12:00~13:00) 2. 外国人登录(约6周以上) 甲. 请查看详细通知及必需文件目录。 乙. 外国人登记所需的指纹登记日及登陆证预想交付日: 确定后国际处将通过电子邮件通知学生。 丙. 在办理外国人登录证之前,出境时将丧失现有D-2签证的效力,必须从头开始申请D-2签证,在领取外国人登录证之前请谨慎选择出境。 丁. 国际校区(居住在松岛)的学生原则上需个人访问管辖的出入境事务所(仁川出入境外国人事务所),申请外国人登记,但如果想要参加集体受理,则必须在9月5日(周一)~9月7日(周三)期间访问新村校区,接受外国人登记,为了指纹登记(10月中旬,准确日期事后通知),需要再次访问新村校区。 戊. 没能在以上期间内访问新村校区,不能申请团体受理时,学生应个人访问出入境管理事务所进行个别受理。 ※所有外国留学生在取得D-2(留学)签证后,应当自入境之日起90日内前往出入境管理申请办理外国人登陆证。 未依照韩国出入境管理法进行外国人登记在韩滞留90日以上的,可根据出入境管理法处以罚款(最少20万韩元~最多1000万韩元)。
- Yonsei GOSC 2022.09.01
Programs & Events
- [Fall 2022] Yonsei Global One-Stop Service Center(延世外国人一站式服务中心) Channel Open
- Greetings Yonsei International Students and Faculty. Yonsei Global One-Stop Service Center’s Kakao Talk Plus Channel is now open for internationl students & faculty at Yonsei University. Through the channel, you can check important notices, events, deadlines and many more. You can also make quick inquiries on our channel through the 1:1 chat. How to connect 1. Install Kakao Talk application on your mobile device at the AppStore or Android Playstore. 2. Create an account with your mobile number in Korea. 3. Search ‘iservice’ or scan the QR Code 4. Add Yonsei GOSC as a plus friend. Please note that the operating hours for the 1:1 chat is from 9:00AM-5:00PM Monday~Friday. 延世外国人一站式服务中心成立于2022年9月,其宗旨在于在提升延世大学的国际竞争力的同时促进校园内部的国际间交流。 中心设有Wechat公众号平台,Wechat公众号平台主要用于发布校内外重要公告通知以及查询各种校内信息等。 延世外国人成员可扫码或在微信搜索“延世大学外国人一站式服务中心”关注我中心官方微信公众号平台。 *注意:目前我中心唯一提供1对1咨询服务的社交网络平台为Kakao Plus平台,Wechat平台暂不提供1对1咨询服务。 延世外国人一站式服务中心办公时间 工作日的09:00~17:00(午休时间为12:00~13:00) *寒暑假的办公时间将于假期开始前另行公告。
- Yonsei GOSC 2022.09.01
Programs & Events
- [Fall 2022] Recruitment of the 1st Yonsei Campus Harmony Supporters
- Fall 2022, Recruiting the 1st Yonsei Campus Harmony Supporters (Global One-Stop Service Center X University Innovation Support Project) As a part of the university innovation supporting project, the Global One-Stop Service Center (GOSC), launching this Fall 2022, recruits supporters who can help Yonsei foreign students, exchange, and visiting students from distinguished partner universities by creating social media content(News cards, YouTube videos) and work at the Global Service Desk on-site. Recruiting both International and Korean undergraduate students to participate in a project called ‘Yonsei Campus Harmony Supporters’ operated by the upcoming GOSC – creating social media content and promoting harmonious campus life among Korean and international students. □ Project: “Yonsei Campus Harmony Supporters”, a.k.a. Global One-Stop Service Center Supporters □ Eligibility: Enrolled full degree Yonsei undergraduate students (both International and Korean) □ Recruitment criteria: Application form, Nationality quota, Language skills(English, Chinese, Korean etc), Social media and video content production experience, etc. □ Number of members: 10 members □ Activities: 1. Planning and Producing Content to Support Foreign Students at Yonsei 1) News Card Team: Card News Content production (minimum 10 within the semester) 2) Video Production Team: 1 video content production (minimum 3 within the semester) 2. Support Global Service Desk Operations etc 1) Assistance in responding to services for foreign students studying abroad 2) Support for the various events and programs of the GOSC 3) Monitoring and feedback on the difficulties of foreign students □ Project period: 2022-2nd semester □ Extra points: Experience as a media team member of an international student association, student clubs under OIA, supporters, etc. □ Benefit: Scholarships are provided after submitting monthly activity reports and working hour sheets at the Global Service Desk 1. Supporters Content Production Activities Scholarship Scholarship Amount Note Supporters Scholarship for Producing Content 150,000won/per month - Yonsei full-degree undergraduate supporters - Monthly per person ※The scholarship period for content production activities (September 15, 2022, - December 14, 2022. 3 months) 2. On-campus Work Scholarship (working at the Global Service Desk at least 2 hours per week) Scholarship Amount Note Global Service Desk Support Scholarship 9,160won/per hour - Yonsei full-degree undergraduate supporters - Monthly according to working hours 3. Issuance of Confirmation of Supporters' Activities after Completion of the Semester Activities □ Application period: August 16 (Tue.) ~ September 2 (Fri.), 2022 1PM(13:00) Selection Procedure Schedule Note Application Period August 16 (Tues.) - September 2 (Fri), 2022 Application Review August 29 (Mon.) - September 5 (Mon.), 2022 Interview September 6 (Tue.) ~ September 7 (Wed.), 2022 □ How to apply: Fill out the attached ① Application Form and scan your ② Certificate of Enrollment to (iservice@yonsei.ac.kr) *Email Title: [Supporters Application] Name_Student ID#_Department Origrinal Post (Click ->) https://www.yonsei.ac.kr/sc/support/notice.jsp?mode=view&article_no=208365&board_wrapper=%2Fsc%2Fsupport%2Fnotice.jsp&pager.offset=0&board_no=15
- Yonsei GOSC 2022.08.26