- [Korea Culture & Tourism Institute] 2023 Student Reporters Recruitment / 2023 대학생기자단 모집 / 2023大学生记者团招募
- Yonsei GOSC 2023.08.22
- [Ministry of the Interior and Safety] National Civil Defense Exercise / 在全国同时实施民防卫训练
- National Civil Defense Exercise Date & Time: August 23rd (Wed) 14:00 (for 20 minutes) Check the attachement for different languages (English, Chinese, Japanese, Spanish) 在全国同时实施民防卫训练 2023年8月23日(星期三)下午2点开始(20分钟) 查看附件中的中文版公告(英语、汉语、日语、西班牙语)
- Yonsei GOSC 2023.08.18
- Kolon Rainbow Mentor Recruit / [可隆集团,社团法人JUMP] 彩虹垫脚石追加招募导师
- Kolon Rainbow Mentor Recruit Mentoring Period: September 2023 ~ January 2024 (5 months) Num of Recruit: 4 Eligibility: 4 year university (undergrad/grad) students with immigrant backgrounds (international students, overseas Korean, multicultural family children etc.) Application Deadline: August 28th (Monday), 2023 Application Method: Online (코오롱 무지개 디딤돌 멘토링 8기 대학생 멘토 추가모집 지원서(하반기) Survey (surveymonkey.com) Inquiries: 070-4241-0501 / info@jumpsp.or Please refer to the poster for further information. [可隆集团,社团法人JUMP] 彩虹垫脚石追加招募导师 可隆集团和社团法人Jump共同进行的为中途入境及外国人家庭、脱北居民家庭等移居背景青少年的指导学习及文化体验活动支援事业。 申请指南(8月28日截止) -申请资格: 具有中途入境及外国人家庭、脱北居民家庭、外国留学生、在外国民、多文化家庭子女等移居背景的4名大学(院)学生。 -申请方法: 网上报名 코오롱 무지개 디딤돌 멘토링 8기 대학생 멘토 추가모집 지원서(하반기) Survey (surveymonkey.com) 咨询处:070-4241-0501 / info@jumpsp.or 详情请参阅海报。
- Yonsei GOSC 2023.08.17
Programs & Events
- [Fall 2023] Recruitment of the 3rd Yonsei Campus Harmony Supporters/ 2023-2학기 Yonsei Campus Harmony 서포터즈 3기 모집
- 2023-2학기 Yonsei Campus Harmony 서포터즈 3기 모집 (글로벌원스톱서비스센터 X 대학혁신지원사업) ------------------------------------------English Below 교내 유입된 글로벌 인재에 대한 지원과 그들의 성공적 정착을 위한 프로젝트 일환으로 국제처 글로벌원스톱서비스센터의 학생 서포터즈(Yonsei Campus Harmony) 3기를 모집합니다. 평소 교내 글로벌화를 체험하고, 세계 우수 인재들과 소통하길 원하며, 소셜미디어를 활용하여 연세 및 한국생활 노하우 콘텐츠 창작 및 글로벌라운지 현장근무에 기여하고 싶은 연세인들의 많은 지원 바랍니다. □ 모집명: Yonsei Campus Harmony 서포터즈 3기 □ 모집대상: 연세대학교 *학부 재학생(외국인, 한국인), 직전학기 GPA 1.4 이상 *대학혁신 지원사업 장학금 지급요건 □ 모집기준: 지원서, 국적 구성, 언어 능력(영어 또는 중국어), SNS활용 경험, 카드뉴스 및 영상콘텐츠 제작 경험 등 고려하여 선발 □ 모집인원: 10명 □ 활동내용 1. 외국인 유학생 지원 콘텐츠 기획 및 제작 1) 카드뉴스 팀: 카드뉴스 콘텐츠 제작 (학기내 최소 25개) 2) 영상제작 팀: 월 1회 영상 콘텐츠 제작 (학기내 최소 3개, 인스타그램 영상(Reels) 최소 5개) 2. 글로벌서비스데스크 운영 지원 1) 외국인 유학생 서비스 응대 업무 보조 2) 각종 행사 및 프로그램 운영 지원 3) 외국인 유학생 고충 사항 모니터링 및 피드백 □ 활동기간: 2023-2학기 □ 우대사항: 유학생회 미디어팀, 국제처 산하 동아리, 서포터즈 활동 등 경험자 □ 활동혜택: 매달 활동보고서 및 글로벌라운지 근무시간 검토 후 장학금 지급 1. 서포터즈 콘텐츠 제작 활동 장학금 내역 장학금 비고 서포터즈 콘텐츠 제작 활동 장학금 200,000원/월*3.5개월 - 본교 서포터즈 대상 - 인당 월별 지급 ※ 콘텐츠 제작 활동 장학금 지급기간 (2023.9.1. ~ 2023.12.15. 약 3.5개월) 2. 근로 장학금 (최소 주 2시간 이상 글로벌서비스데스크 지원 업무) 내역 장학금 비고 글로벌서비스데스크 업무보조 근로장학금 9,620원/시간 - 본교 서포터즈 대상 - 근무 시간에 따라 월별 지급 3. 해당 학기 활동 종료 후 서포터즈 활동 확인서 발급 □ 접수기간 및 선발절차: 2023.8.10.(목) ~ 8.23.(수) 23:59(KST) 까지 선발절차 일정 비고 지원서 접수 2023.8.10.(목) ~ 8.23.(수) *2023-2학기 등록자 서류 심사 2023.8.21.(월) ~ 8.25.(금) 면접 심사 2023.8.28.(월) ~ 8.29.(화) 오리엔테이션 2023.8.31.(목) □ 신청방법: 첨부된 ①지원서, ②재학증명서(2023년 8월 1일 이후 발급본), ③포트폴리오(카드뉴스 또는 영상제작 캡쳐본)를 첨부하여 iservice@yonsei.ac.kr 이메일 송부 *이메일 제목: [서포터즈 지원서] 이름_학번_소속 □ 유의사항: 타부서와 중복으로 근로장학금을 받을 수 없습니다. Fall 2023, Recruitment of the 3rd Yonsei Campus Harmony Supporters (Global One-Stop Service Center X University Innovation Support Project) Global One-Stop Service Center (GOSC) of Office of International Affairs recruits supporters who can help Yonsei foreign students, exchange, and visiting students from distinguished partner universities by creating social media content(Cards News, YouTube Videos) and work at the Global Service Desk on-site. Recruiting both International and Korean undergraduate students to participate in a project called ‘Yonsei Campus Harmony Supporters’ operated by the GOSC – creating social media content and promoting harmonious campus life among Korean and international students. □ Project: “The 3rd Yonsei Campus Harmony Supporters”, a.k.a. Global One-Stop Service Center Student Supporters □ Eligibility: Enrolled for Fall 2023, full-degree Yonsei undergraduate students (both International and Korean) and GPA must be over 1.4 for the previous semester. □ Recruitment criteria: Application form, Nationality quota, Language skills(English, Chinese, Korean etc), Social media and video content production experience, etc. □ Number of members: 10 members □ Activities: 1. Planning and Producing Content to Support Foreign Students at Yonsei 1) Card News Team: Card news content production (minimum 25 within the semester) 2) Video Production Team: Video content production (minimum 3 YouTube videos, 5 Instagram videos within the semester) 2. Support Global Service Desk Operations etc 1) Assistance in responding to services for foreign students studying abroad 2) Support for the various events and programs of GOSC 3) Monitoring and feedback on the difficulties of foreign students □ Project period: 2023-2nd semester □ Extra points: Experience as a media team member of an international student association, student clubs under OIA, supporters, etc. □ Benefit: Scholarships are provided after submitting monthly activity reports and working hour sheets at the Global Service Desk 1. Supporters Content Production Activities Scholarship Scholarship Amount Note Supporters Scholarship for Producing Content 200,000won/per month - Yonsei full-degree undergraduate supporters - Monthly per person ※The scholarship period for content production activities (Sep 1, 2023, - Dec 15, 2023. 3.5 months) 2. On-campus Work Scholarship (working at the Global Lounge at least 2 hours per week) Scholarship Amount Note Global Service Desk Support Scholarship 9,620won/per hour - Yonsei full-degree undergraduate supporters - Monthly according to working hours 3. Issuance of Confirmation of Supporters' Activities after Completion of the Semester Activities □ Application period: Aug 10 (Thurs.) - Aug 23 (Wed.), 2023 23:59(KST) Selection Procedure Schedule Note Application Period Aug 10 (Thurs.) - Aug 23 (Wed.), 2023 23:59(KST) *Must be registered for Fall 2023 Application Review Aug 21 (Mon.) - Aug 25 (Fri.), 2023 Interview Aug 28 (Mon.) - Aug 29 (Tues.), 2023 Orientation Aug 31 (Thurs.), 2023 □ How to apply: Fill out the attached ① Application Form and ② Certificate of Enrollment(Issued after August 1, 2023) ③ Portfolio(Card News or Video Production) to iservice@yonsei.ac.kr *Email Title: [Supporters Application] Name_Student ID#_Department □ Note: You can only receive on-campus work scholarships(근로장학금) from one department/office. Origrinal Post (Click ->) https://www.yonsei.ac.kr/sc/support/notice.jsp?mode=view&article_no=222070&board_wrapper=%2Fsc%2Fsupport%2Fnotice.jsp&pager.offset=0&board_no=15
- Yonsei GOSC 2023.08.10
- [Fall 2023] Plans & Course Enrollment Instructions / [2023 秋季] 选课申请指南
- Fall 2023 Plans & Course Enrollment Instructions Please refer to the Yonsei University Website Notice for more information [2023 秋季] 选课申请指南 选课期间 1) 新生以及一年级 : 2023.08.28.(周一) 09:00 ~ 17:00 2) 二年级以上 : 2023.08.16.(周三) ~ 2023.08.17.(周四) 09:00 ~ 17:00 详情请参阅延世大学网站公告。
- Yonsei GOSC 2023.08.10
- Guidance for Student ID Card Issuance / 学生证发放指南
- Guidance for Student ID Card Issuance - Eligibility: Newly enrolled students for 2023 Fall Semester who consent to a personal information collection, utilization, and processing entrustment to a trustee. - Application Period: August 22 (Tue), 2023, 10:00 am ~ August 25 (Fri), 2023, 11:59 pm. - How to Apply: Yonsei Portal System -> Login with student ID number and pw (initial pw: DOB YYMMDD order) -> Academic Link -> Issue Student ID -> Apply for an ID card For further information, please check the Yonsei University Website Notice. 学生证发放指南 申请期间 :2023. 8. 22.(周二) 10:00 ~ 8. 25.(周五) 23:59 关于查询学号,延世Y-MID,询问处等详细内容请参考延世大学网站公告。
- Yonsei GOSC 2023.08.10
- [August 2023] Guidance on Commencement Ceremony / [2023 8月] 毕业典礼指南
- Guidance on August 2023 Commencement Ceremony Congratulations on your graduation! Please refer to the following information on the commencement ceremony. Commencement Ceremony Date: August 25, 2023 (Fri) 11:00 am Location: Main Auditorium Please check the Yonsei University Website Notice for more information such as caps and gowns distribution, graduation yearbook, etc. [2023 8月] 毕业典礼指南 祝大家毕业快乐! 请参考以下有关毕业典礼的信息。 毕业典礼日期 : 2023年8月25日(周五) 上午11:00~ 场所 : 大礼堂 详细内容请参考延世大学网站公告事项。
- Yonsei GOSC 2023.08.10
- [August 2023] Notice of Graduation / Completion Approval Status / 2023年8月毕业/结业批准情况
- Notification of August 2023 Graduation / Completion Approval Status 1. Status Checking Period: 10:00 a.m. August 10 (Thur) ~ 25 (Fri), 2023 2. Eligibility to Check: Applications who submitted the graduation application or completion application for the August 2023 graduation (undergraduate students of Sinchon and International Campus) can check the graduation approval status. 3. Process to Check Approval: Login to Yonsei Portal System (http://portal.yonsei.ac.kr) -> Acadamic Information System -> Graduation/Advancement -> Notification of Graduation Approval Status For more information, please check the Yonsei Universite Website Notice 2023年8月毕业/结业批准情况 1. 确认日期 : 2023年8月10日(周四)~25日(周五) 上午10:00 2. 资格 : 提交2023年8月毕业申请书或结业申请书 (新村、国际校区本科生) 的学生可以确认毕业批准与否。 3. 登录延世大学门户网站系统(http://portal.yonsei.ac.kr )->学术信息系统->毕业/升学->毕业批准情况通报 详情请参阅延世大学网站公告事项。
- Yonsei GOSC 2023.08.07
- [February 2024] Notice for Graduation Application / [2024年 2月] 毕业申请公告
- Notice for February 2024 Graduation Application 1. Application Period: August 16 (Wed) ~ 31 (Thurs), 2023 *Graduation application system will be unavailable for one day on August 18th (Fri) 2. Application Method: Yonsei Portal System (http://portal.yonsei.ac.kr) -> Student Record -> Graduation/Advancement -> Graduation Application Please check the Yonsei University Website Notice for more information For students in the state of "Completion of Bachelor's Degree", please click here for the notice. [2024年 2月] 毕业申请公告 1. 申请日期 : 2023.08.16.(周三) ~ 2023.08.31.(周四) *2023.08.18.(周五)一天不可使用毕业申请系统。 2. 申请方法 : 延世大学门户网站(http://portal.yonsei.ac.kr )->学生簿 -> 毕业/升学-> 毕业申请书 详情请参阅延世大学网站公告。 如学生已取得”学士学位“, 请按此处参阅有关通告。
- Yonsei GOSC 2023.08.07
- 2023 MOFA Junior Scholar Fellowship / 2023 MOFA 研究会项目
- 2023 MOFA Junior Scholar Fellowship Eligibility: Graduate students enrolled in a Master's or PhD program in Korea who have - U.S., Chinese or Japanese citizenship - Strong interests in political, economic, social and cultural issues of Korea Program: All program will be in both Korean and English (check poster for program info) Application Process: Submit application and Certificate of Enrollment to ikus@yonsei.ac.kr (download application by scanning QR code) Application Deadline: August 1, 2023 ~ August 20, 2023 (KST) 2023 MOFA 研究会项目 参加对象: -在韩国读研究生的学生 -美国、中国、日本国籍的研究生(硕,博士课程) 项目内容:(所有节目都用韩语和英语进行) -演讲/讨论 韩国的历史、文化、政治、外交等多个领域 -现场可以理解并学习韩国的政治环境、文化、生态环境、外交政策等 -文化体验(韩流体验,韩国饮食文化,传统文化,历史等) 报名方法 1.填写报名表 2. 提交在校证明书 ikus@yonsei.ac.kr 提交 (下载申请表扫描下端的二维码) 报名期限 -2023.08.01(周二) ~ 2023.08.20(周日) 合格者将会在9月初个别联系 其它 -无参加费用 日期/地点 -09.08 (周五)/首尔(入学教育) -09.15 (周五) ~ 09.16 (周六)/首尔 -09.22 (周五) ~ 09.23 (周六)/釜山 (两天一夜) -10.06 (周五)~10.09 (周一)/首尔 项目结束后将会颁发结业证书 • 询问处 电邮ikus@yonsei.ac.kr Kakaotalk ID koreanexperts23
- Yonsei GOSC 2023.08.07